NORTH vs SOUTH GOLF BATTLE feat- Rick Shiels, Peter Finch and James Pickard
By Sterling Irons® Facebook #singlelengthirons
First day at the driving range 2017 with my new Sterling Irons®
By Sterling Irons® Facebook #singlelengthirons #sterlingirons
By Sterling Irons® Facebook North v South...Sterling Irons® v Cobra Golf One Length...@RickShielsPGA & Peter Finch Golf v Seb & James Pickard...who will win at The Shire London ???
Congrats Steve Thom! And may there be many more!
By Sterling Irons® Facebook Congrats Steve Thom! And may there be many more!
Tom Wishon Grinds Away on a Sand Wedge Prototype
By Sterling Irons® Facebook Tom Wishon grinds away on a Sterling Irons® Sand Wedge prototype to be tested with Jaacob Bowden, PGA #singlelengthirons
Distance Gapping and Trajectories
By Sterling Irons® Facebook Co-creators Tom Wishon and Jaacob Bowden, PGA chat about distance gapping and trajectories, the advantages they had in designing and building the Sterling Irons® #singlelengthirons set, and the care and thoughtfulness that went in to the 2.5-year design and development process.
Process of Going From Concept to Creation
By Sterling Irons® Facebook Here are Tom Wishon & Jaacob Bowden, PGA talking about the process of going from concept to creation with Sterling Irons® #singlelengthirons.